Ricerca | Digital divide, skills and perceptions on smart working in Italy: from necessity to opportunity

il 20 Febbraio 2021

di Antonella Petrillo (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”), Fabio De Felice (Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale) e Laura Petrillo (ASL3 Liguria)

This is a pioneering study on how smart working could influence the way of working in Italy. The COVID19 pandemic is making workers discover opportunities that should have been seized 30 years ago. Once the emergency is over, the world and working methods will never be the same. The Coronavirus emergency has accelerated a reflection on smart working to govern the necessary changes in the organization of work also in the medium term. For this reason, the aim of the present research was to carry out a survey on smart working on the entire Italian national territory. Although the study is a pilot study, the survey results are encouraging giving the opportunity to reflect and define strategies. For this reason, is imaginable and desirable that further relevant national initiatives will be started during the year to investigate needs, define good practices on smart working and promote this “new” way to work.

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